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Generate a message describing the first instance of a code mismatch. Three functions are provided for working with code feedback: code_feedback() does the comparison and returns a character description of the mismatch, or a NULL if no differences are found. maybe_code_feedback() is designed to be used inside fail() and related graded() messages, as in "{maybe_code_feedback()}". And give_code_feedback() gives you a way to add code feedback to any fail() message in a grade_this() or grade_result() checking function.


  user_code = .user_code,
  solution_code = .solution_code,
  solution_code_all = .solution_code_all,
  env = .envir_prep,
  allow_partial_matching = getOption("gradethis.allow_partial_matching", TRUE)

  user_code = get0(".user_code", parent.frame()),
  solution_code = get0(".solution_code", parent.frame()),
  solution_code_all = get0(".solution_code_all", parent.frame()),
  env = get0(".envir_prep", parent.frame(), ifnotfound = parent.frame()),
  allow_partial_matching = getOption("gradethis.allow_partial_matching", TRUE),
  default = "",
  before = getOption("gradethis.maybe_code_feedback.before", " "),
  after = getOption("gradethis.maybe_code_feedback.after", NULL),
  space_before = deprecated(),
  space_after = deprecated()

  env = parent.frame(),
  location = c("after", "before")


user_code, solution_code

String containing user or solution code. For ease of use in grade_this(), .user_code or .solution_code are by default retrieved from the calling environment.


A list containing the code of all solutions when multiple solutions are provided. For ease of use in grade_this(), .solution_code_all is by default retrieved from the calling environment.


Environment used to standardize formals of the user and solution code. Defaults to retrieving .envir_prep from the calling environment. If not found, the parent.frame() will be used.


Ignored in code_feedback() and maybe_code_feedback(). In give_code_feedback(), ... are passed to maybe_code_feedback().


A logical. If FALSE, the partial matching of argument names is not allowed and e.g. runif(1, mi = 0) will return a message indicating that the full formal name min should be used. The default is set via the gradethis.allow_partial_matching option, or by gradethis_setup().


Default value to return if no code feedback is found or code feedback can be provided.

before, after

Strings to be added before or after the code feedback message to ensure the message is properly formatted in your feedback.

space_before, space_after

Deprecated. Use before and after.


A grading function — like grade_this() or grade_result() — or a character string. The code feedback will be appended to the message of any incorrect grades using maybe_code_feedback(), set to always include the code feedback, if possible. If expr is a character string, "{maybe_code_feedback()}" is pasted into the string, without customization.


Should the code feedback message be added before or after?


  • code_feedback() returns a character value describing the difference between the student's submitted code and the solution. If no discrepancies are found, code_feedback() returns NULL.

  • maybe_code_feedback() always returns a string for safe use in glue strings. If no discrepancies are found, it returns an empty string.

  • give_code_feedback() catches fail() grades and adds code feedback to the feedback message using maybe_code_feedback().


  • code_feedback: Determine code feedback by comparing the user's code to the solution.

  • maybe_code_feedback: Return code_feedback() result when possible. Useful when setting default fail() glue messages. For example, if there is no solution, no code feedback will be given.

  • give_code_feedback: Appends maybe_code_feedback() to the message generated by incorrect grades.

Code differences

There are many different ways that code can be different, yet still the same. Here is how we detect code differences:

  1. If the single values are different. Ex: log(2) vs log(3)

  2. If the function call is different. Ex: log(2) vs sqrt(2)

  3. Validate the user code can be standardized via rlang::call_standardise(). The env parameter is important for this step as gradethis does not readily know about user defined functions. Ex: read.csv("file.csv") turns into read.csv(file = "file.csv")

  4. If multiple formals are matched. Ex: read.csv(f = "file.csv") has f match to file and fill.

  5. Verify that every named argument in the solution appears in the user code. Ex: If the solution is read.csv("file.csv", header = TRUE), header must exist.

  6. Verify that the user did not supply extra named arguments to .... Ex: mean(x = 1:10, na.rm = TRUE) vs mean(x = 1:10)

  7. Verify that every named argument in the solution matches the value of the corresponding user argument. Ex: read.csv("file.csv", header = TRUE) vs read.csv("file.csv", header = FALSE)

  8. Verify that the remaining arguments of the user and solution code match in order and value. Ex: mean(1:10, 0.1) vs mean(1:10, 0.2)


# code_feedback() ------------------------------------------------------

# Values are same, so no differences found
code_feedback("log(2)", "log(2)")

# Functions are different
code_feedback("log(2)", "sqrt(2)")
#> I expected you to call `sqrt()` where you called `log()`.

# Standardize argument names (no differences)
code_feedback("read.csv('file.csv')", "read.csv(file = 'file.csv')")

# Partial matching is not allowed
code_feedback("read.csv(f = 'file.csv')", "read.csv(file = 'file.csv')")
#> `read.csv()` accepts more than one argument name that begins with `f`. As a result, R cannot figure out which argument you want to pass `"file.csv"` to. Check how you spelled `f`, or write out the full argument name.

# Feedback will spot differences in argument values...
  "read.csv('file.csv', header = FALSE)",
  "read.csv('file.csv', header = TRUE)"
#> In `read.csv("file.csv", header = FALSE)`, I expected `header = TRUE` where you wrote `header = FALSE`.

# ...or when arguments are expected to appear in a call...
code_feedback("mean(1:10)", "mean(1:10, na.rm = TRUE)")
#> Your call to `mean()` should include `"na.rm"` as one of its arguments. You may have misspelled an argument name, or left out an important argument.

# ...even when the expected argument matches the function's default value
code_feedback("read.csv('file.csv')", "read.csv('file.csv', header = TRUE)")
#> Your call to `read.csv()` should include `"header"` as one of its arguments. You may have misspelled an argument name, or left out an important argument.

# Unstandardized arguments will match by order and value
code_feedback("mean(1:10, 0.1)", "mean(1:10, 0.2)")
#> In `mean(1:10, 0.1)`, I expected `0.2` where you wrote `0.1`.

# give_code_feedback() -------------------------------------------------

# We'll use this example of an incorrect exercise submission throughout
submission_wrong <- mock_this_exercise(
  .user_code = "log(4)",
  .solution_code = "sqrt(4)"

# To add feedback to *any* incorrect grade,
# wrap the entire `grade_this()` call in `give_code_feedback()`:
grader <-
  # ```{r example-check}
    pass_if_equal(.solution, "Good job!")
    if (.result < 2) {
      fail("Too low!")
# ```
#> <gradethis_graded: [Incorrect]
#>   Too low! I expected you to call `sqrt()` where you called
#>   `log()`.
#> >

# Or you can wrap the message of any fail() directly:
grader <-
  # ```{r example-check}
    pass_if_equal(.solution, "Good job!")
    if (.result < 2) {
      fail(give_code_feedback("Too low!"))
# ```
#> <gradethis_graded: [Incorrect]
#>   Too low! I expected you to call `sqrt()` where you called
#>   `log()`.
#> >

# Typically, grade_result() doesn't include code feedback
grader <-
  # ```{r example-check}
    fail_if(~ round(.result, 0) != 2, "Not quite!")
# ```
#> <gradethis_graded: [Incorrect]
#>   Not quite!  That's okay: you learn more from mistakes than
#>   successes. Let's do it one more time.
#> >

# But you can use give_code_feedback() to append code feedback
grader <-
  # ```{r example-check}
    fail_if(~ round(.result, 0) != 2, "Not quite!")
# ```
#> <gradethis_graded: [Incorrect]
#>   Not quite!  Don't give up now, try it one more time. I expected
#>   you to call `sqrt()` where you called `log()`.
#> >

# The default `grade_this_code()` `incorrect` message always adds code feedback,
# so be sure to remove \"{maybe_code_feedback()}\" from the incorrect message
grader <-
  # ```{r example-check}
  give_code_feedback(grade_this_code(incorrect = "{random_encouragement()}"))
# ```
#> <gradethis_graded_this_code: [Incorrect]
#>   Try it again. You get better each time. I expected you to call
#>   `sqrt()` where you called `log()`.
#> >